We are angry. We demand justice. Say his name - ALEX VANDALSEN.
Alex VanDalsen, a transgendered man, was murdered, but his case was conveniently labeled a suicide. His mother, Jennifer VanDalsen, has spent nearly three years fighting for answers and justice. Due to recent events where Jennifer was once again tossed away and considered disposable by local authorities, we gathered together to have a round table discussion and refresh on his case, as well as a firm request of everyone listening to not only say his name, but bring awareness on his case. We want everyone in the true crime arena to please cover his case, we want authorities to dig deeper into their investigations, we want senators and government officials highlighting this case and we want Jennifer to finally have answers because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
The following podcasts in todays discussion are listed, and linked to the episodes on Alex VanDalsen are as follows:
F**k that - https://www.spreaker.com/user/16866625/e-17-what-happened-to-alex-vandalsen
Beyond The Rainbow - https://www.spreaker.com/episode/48406263
A Nefarious Nightmare - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-nefarious-nightmare-true-crime/id1579771353?i=1000596205541
Book of the Dead - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-book-of-the-dead/id1639787484?i=1000630594070
Criminal Activity - https://criminalactivityshow.com/shownotes/1/
Don’t know where to start? You can call or write the following officials and authorities we spoke about in this episode:
Contact info
1031 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46202
200 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
You can address the letter to: Rep. Sheila Klinker
200 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204
20 N 6th St # 3, Lafayette, IN 47901
Indiana Government Center South
302 W. Washington St., 5th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204
A letter template you may use for any of the above here -
If you decide to cover the murder of Alex VanDalsen, feel free to reach any one of us so we can help lead you to the correct sources.
If you enjoyed learning about this case, check out our Instagram @bookofthedeadpod or website botdpod.com
Shoot us an email with a case suggestions or just say "hi" at bookofthedeadpod@gmail.com
And don't forget to rate and review and share with your friends
Much Love-
Courtney and Lisa