Today, we delve into the dark world of exorcisms and the tragic case of Kennedy Ife, a 26-year-old man from Enfield, London, whose shocking death in 2016 raised unsettling questions about faith, mental health, and the dangers of so-called demonic...
Together with C.J., host of Beyond the Rainbow: True Crimes of the LGBTQ, we dive into two heart-wrenching cases where friendships turned deadly. The murders of Missy Avila and Skylar Neese are the ultimate betrayal, each one a tragic tale of trust...
To end 2024, we revisit the execution of Johnny Frank Garrett and go over the proof that shows he was innocent of the murder he was charged with committing. From FBI reports to an alleged confession from another convicted killer, Johnny's case is a...
In this chilling episode, we dive deep into one of the most horrifying and mysterious murder sprees in modern history – the Lainz Angels of Death. Operating under the radar for years, a group of nurses at the Lainz General Hospital in Vienna turned...
Teenagers Riley Powell and Breezy Otteson were wildly in love and looking forward to building a future together. After childhoods filled with various hardships and heartache, they finally found love and happiness. However, everything would change in...
In today's episode, we bring you a guest episode from Love and Murder: Heartbreak to Homicide. Ky brings you the infamous Betty Broderick case, a story of love, betrayal, and murder. Betty, a once-devoted wife and mother, found herself at the center...
"I’d like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me. And the rest of the world can kiss my ass.” After the murder nun in Amarillo, Texas, police are convinced they found their killer. Johnny Frank Garrett was tried, sentenced, and...
Carmen Van Huss, at 19, had her whole life ahead of her. After visiting her grandmother in the hospital, Carmen headed to her apartment to prepare for work in the morning, when she met up with a man and they headed into her apartment together. After...
From The Book of The Dead archive, we present the case of Juana Bernal Ramirez. On October 1, 1995, 3-year-old Juana Ramirez went to Chapultepec Park with her family for a day of fun, however, the Ramirez family's worst nightmare would become a...
Joanne Witt knew better than anyone that parenting wasn't always the easiest job in the world, but when her 14-year-old daughter, Tylar, started hanging around with a much older teen named Steven Colver, things got a lot more difficult. When Joanne...
In Moston, Manchester, England, 16 year old Suzanne Capper just wanted to make some friends. She was having a hard time coping with school and would regularly skip class when she would meet a boy named Clifford Pook. When Clifford introduced Suzanne...
When Irene Paget met John Barron, she thought she would have the life she had always wanted: to be a wife and mother. However, Jack Barron was not who Irene thought he was. He was overbearing, obsessed with his appearance, and flew off the handle at...
In a small town in Brazil, Alex Ferreira lived with his young wife and had shared custody of his 12-year-old daughter. His wife and Daughter got along well and Alex was thrilled that his daughter was accepting of his new partner, but his daughter's...
In today's special mini-episode, we revisit the Rowena Irani case and add context provided by her close friend Misba. Thank you to Misba for providing clarity to Rowena's case as well as sharing more information about her and allowing us to share it...
Lorenzen Wright had it all. He had a beautiful family, a successful NBA career and family and freinds that adored him. When money troubles and allegations of infidelity and abuse start to circulate, Lorenzen's marriage crumbles, and he and his wife go...