On April 22, 1970, Earth Day was founded, and since that day, the Earth Day committee has had to combat two specific conspiracy theories every year. One, that the Earth is not flat, and two, that Ira Einhorn, Philadelphia's Resident Hippie, and convicted murderer was not the founder. This is the story of The Unicorn Killer, and the Murder of Holly Maddux
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The Associated Press. (2002, October 18). Ex-Fugitive Convicted in 25-Year-Old Murder. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/18/us/ex-fugitive-convicted-in-25-year-old-murder.html?ref=iraeinhorn
Valentino, R. (2023, April 8). The Environmental Activist Who Murdered And ‘Composted’ His Girlfriend. Medium. https://medium.com/@ricksta_v/the-environmental-activist-who-murdered-and-composted-his-girlfriend-2f4cf2f4dba7
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Courtney and Lisa